terça-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2013

My version of CARPOOLERS (part 1)

Alguns anos atrás, eu escrevi para um trabalho de colégio um conto baseado na série Carpoolers da ABC Channel.
Para quem lê em inglês, aqui está a minha versão do que poderia ser um episódio da série que será dividida em duas partes ;) 

Obs.: Eu mudei várias coisas na série, inclusive os personagens, mas a ideia geral continuou.

Obs. 2: Primeiro colocarei uma pequena explicação do que significa carpooling. ;)

Opening of the ABC series Carpoolers

What is carpooling?

Here in Brazil it’s not so common yet. But in other countries like the U.S.A., England, Canada and Australia solidary ride exists because they worry about the environment and they also worry about spending less money. So they created the carpooling, which is a group of people that take the same way to work or to school taking turns in different cars each day. The money spended is divided between the passengers.

My version of CARPOOLERS (part 1)

Anne, Hannah, Lizzy and Katy are four carpoolers women that go everyday to theirs jobs or school together in the same car. With the saying “what happens in the car stays in the car “, the carpoolers go to their commitments gossiping so much.
            Anne is a journalist of 24 years old, she is of lower class to her friends of carpoolers, but she is the most intelligent of the group. Frequently her friends don't understand her answers. She rises in the life working in The New York Times.
            Hannah is the opposite of Anne. She is rich cradle, she works in a clothes store only to prove to her parents that she can support herself alone. A pretty woman, she is brat and the only thing she thinks is clothes, shopping and parties.
            Lizzy is the most calm of the group. She is a hippy that ever ends to pacify our friends. She works in a vegetarian restaurant where she is a chef. She dresses crazy looks and her car is an eletric green car.
Katy is the youngest of the group, she has 17 years old. She studies in Collegiate School and she is pregnant of her ex-boyfriend. A bit rebel, she does not keep a good relationship with the family after pregnancy. Already about the father of the child, she doesn't even want to hear his name.
Today, the four “mate ride” go to yours commitments in the Hannah’s car, a yellow Porsche, driving to New York.
- Do you ever feel/ like a plastic bag/ drifting through the wind/ wanting to start again...- Hannah turns the radio and begins to sing. After a little time watching Hannah singing, the others begin sing too - Do you ever feel/ feel so paper-thin/ like a house of cards/ one blow from caving in...
            - The baby is moving! The baby is moving!! – Screams Katy for your friends – I guess he liked the music!
- Ohh! Of course he liked. This song is so happy and we that were sing. Who wouldn’t like?
            - How you are modest, Hannah! But I agree with you, I guess he was happy like we singing Firework – replies Katy.
            - But, Katy, say to us, how is your relationship with the father of your baby? Until last week you don’t speak with your ex. I don’t think this is good. Negatives energies round about the baby don’t do well for him. What this kid will need when he born is a family together. – says Lizzy.
            - “He”-It’s like that how Katy referred to her ex is dating with a university woman and she isn’t beautiful. In respect to negatives energies, Lizzy, my son doesn’t need his father’s bad influence. Is very good the way it is and I will continue without speak with “He”. But it seems that my parents thinking like you and won’t leave me in peace for much time.
            - What do they want now, Katy? – asks Anne.
            - That I get married with “he”! Imagine this…
            - Ahhh! With respect to the wedding, I have some good new to tell you.
            - What???
            - I will get married with Charles!!
          - He asking you to marry? When this happened? How did it happened? When will you get married?- all of them asking together.
            - Take it easy! Charles didn’t ask me to marry yet.
            - How didn’t? So how did you say that you will get married, Hannah?- asks Anne.
         - Well .. is that I saw, you know ... in his desk when I went to see him saturday and he wasn’t home, but the maid let me in ... I went to get a pen and I saw a Tyfanny box.
            - I don’t believe in you!! You saw the wedding ring! I guess it’s bad to see the wedding ring before he asks.
            - No, Lizzy, I didn’t see the wedding ring. But I know that the Tyfanny box has my wedding ring! I’m sure! Just can be! We are together for two years, it’s time to get married.
            - When you think he will ask? – questions Katy.
            - I don’t know. I think friday because he wants me to sleep in his apartment friday and he said he will prepare a dinner for us.
            - Certainly friday!! – Katy, Lizzy and Anne exclaim.
            - Ahhh! I’m so curious! What should I dress?? What I should do without he realizes that I know?? – asks Hannah with a frightened face.
           - I think that you should go simple, without much production and, mainly, you should be calm and know if your answer will even be yes. – say Lizzy
            - Of course it will be yes!!
            - Well I think you have to go very sexy, so he won't have a doubt - Katy comments.
            In this moment of decision, the friends arrive in the carpoolers parking and they parted. In the whole week the friends discuss what Hannah will dress, how she should act and arise also comments about the relationship of Katy with their relatives. The girls think she should leave Frederick – the father of her baby- observes her pregnancy and she should talk better with her parents.

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